Other than costs associated with services from funeral homes in Freeport, IL., if you are having a loved one buried there may be extra expenses associated with the cemetery and burial. By knowing about these fees ahead of time families can better budget their money and overall costs. Today we are going to cover some of the most common fees associated with burials.
The burial plot itself will obviously be an expense. Moreover, the type of plt will determine how much that expense will be. For example, a plot that is a side-by-side companion space will be more costly than a double-depth plot where the caskets are buried on top of one another.
Also, the location of the plot can influence the cost greatly. A plot next to a pretty area with more privacy will most likely cost much more than a space next to a busy road. All of these things should be taken into consideration when purchasing your loved one’s plot.
A burial vault is a vessel that the casket is placed inside of. The purpose of this burial vault is to help the ground above the casket stay stable and not cave in or sink. These burial vaults can be made from various materials and what type you need can depend on the particular cemetery your loved one is being buried in. In any case, these burial vaults are an extra expense that is not included in the casket or burial plot purchase.
Another added expense families need to be aware of is the opening and closing of the grave. Most cemeteries will charge this fee and may range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand. The fee includes the excavation of the ground for the grave as well as the burial of it after the committal service.
The price can range and will often depend on things such as the time of year the burial is taking place as well as if the cemetery if public or private.
This is an added cost and is used for future care, upkeep, and maintenance of the gravesite as well as the cemetery grounds. This includes things like keeping the ground neat and tidy as well as making sure your loved one’s gravesite is in good condition.
Many people may be surprised that after the purchase of the headstone, they will also need to pay a fee to the cemetery for the installation. This is because the installation can sometimes include things like pouring concrete for the foundation as well as leveling the land.
Burial plots, headstone installations, burial vaults and more can all be a big expense on top of funeral arrangement expenses. While all of these fees can certainly add up, working with a funeral director from a funeral home in Freeport, IL. can help you stay on track and on budget. They have the experience needed to help you navigate your way in this difficult situation. Reach out to learn more.